Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday weigh in

Big week for me. School started so that means I'm back to work and I had a 4lb weight loss this week. I am happy to be back to work because when I'm busy is when I do best on my program. Sitting at home all summer bored makes it to tempting for overeating and late night snacks. I feel I concentrate more on healthy lunches and breakfast something I do not do in the summer. The down side to being back to work is the self conscious part of me really shines through. When you work in a school full of skinnys its hard to feel good about yourself. I am always worried that my clothes don't look like they fit or my worse fear that one of my students will make a comment about my weight. I'm in a class full of grade ones and it would be easy enough for one to innocently make a comment. Oh and don't get me started on class pictures.
Had my weigh in today and like I said lost 4lbs I am thrilled to finally pull off a big number. I was so worried that I had no big numbers left in me to pull but I did it. It helps build my confidence when I am doing well.


Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo 4lb is a great loss!
It's always nice to get back to routine. Good luck with the new school year!

Chrissie said...

Good job on the WI. Keep up the good work.

~ Nikisha said...

congrats on the loss!!!!! 4lb is awesome

oh and to answer your question from a while ago...i do not go to meetings so i didnt have to stand up for anyone. When I did go to meetings our leader would ask us if we wanted it announced to the entire group or not.She didn't want to make people feel uncomfortable

Natalia said...

Congrats on the 4lb loss!!!!