Saturday, September 6, 2008

Will I ever beat it?

I took a long hard sometimes embarrassing reflection on my previous weight loss attempts this morning. I am absolutely astonished how many times I have started lost 30-35 lbs and quit. It apparently is my cycle I join get really motivated and start losing. I remember how good it feels to see and feel the weight come off. With every pound I drop I gain a little more self confidence. I am not interested in fast food or chips I have my sights on the finish and nothing can stop me. Then I trip and crash to the ground. And the thing that gets me its always one bad choice that unravels all my hard work. One trip to McDonald's and three months later I am back to where I started with a few extra pounds for a souvenir. The thing that bothers me the most is the question "will I ever beat it?" Will I ever come to a point in my life where I can have McDonald's and the next meal move on? Its like a drug addiction I have a little taste and I'm in full blown relapse. I want more and more. Will I ever beat it?


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate, and often ask myself the same thing. How is it one or two "bad" meals can undo and cause us to relapse for so long? I wish I had the answer for you!

Natalia said...

Heather I can totally relate. I think that you'll find a lot of people can relate. I'm learning that it's not eating the *insert favorite food here*, it's what I do after I eat it. It's hard to find balance isn't it?!